I have to share this story, as it has greatly impacted my whole day and probably my whole life.
Today I had to run by the Dr's office on the way into work to have bloodwork done. The Dr. has to track my HCG levels all the way back down to zero to make sure the miscarriage is complete. It is fairly uncomfortable being in that Dr.'s office and seeing all the pregnant families and new born babies. Actually, that's an understatement ... it's downright upsetting. I had to wait for awhile b/c they couldn't find my paperwork, so I was in the waiting room longer than I would have liked.
Finally when I got up to the lab to have my bloodwork, I was pretty upset and trying not to cry. The lady taking my blood noticed my sniffling and asked if I was coming down with something. I told her no. She must have looked at my paperwork and put 2 and 2 together because after she finished, she stood in front of me and said, "Ashley, it's going to come again." I was caught completely off guard and burst into tears once I realized what she was talking about. She walked over to shut the door to give us some privacy, and she told me that she had been in my situation before and she understood how I felt. She said that my emotions will only make me stronger. She hugged me, and made me feel like I was in the arms of my own mother.
Only another woman could recognize such a deep pain in another woman, and be brave enough to embrace her without fear of rebuke. I'd like to say that more people should be like this woman, but what I really NEED to say is that people like this are there. They are complete strangers walking down the street, and they do understand. They are kind. I do not feel that it was coincidence that this lady was in my path. I think she was placed there. On purpose. To make sure I knew that my day could still be as good as it started. And to allow me to go on with my day striving to bless someone's day as she blessed mine. I left that office, completely in awe of the raw kindness of people and determined to help someone feel as special and as protected as I felt when she took time to comfort me. She didn't have to do it, but she did anyway, and that means the world to me.
I am in a position in life, with my job, to touch someone's life when they are in need like this lady touched mine. And that is what I'm taking away from this. Each person who walks in may be going through something life altering and they are just struggling to mask their emotions. I want to be the person who makes them feel not so alone. I want to be an Angel among us .....
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