Well, it's Monday .... again. Still playing the waiting game. It seems like lately everything happening is just testing my patience. Mondays seem like they were put on this earth just for that purpose. I've been coming down with 'something' running a low grade fever and just sick enough to feel like crap but not sick enough to stay home and be sick. Anywho, this morning I awoke from my Nyquil induced coma at what felt like 4:30 (thanks a lot Daylight Savings Time).
Speaking of Daylight Savings Time (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time) ... What the hell were these people thinking?! If you really stop and dwell on this commonality, it is quite disturbing how arbitrary time is ... it also speaks to the argument, "Hell! Why don't we just do away with clocks and work with the Sun like the Cave People used to do?! ... Life would be so much easier and we probably would not be obese (See: http://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/partial-sleep-deprivation-linked-to-obesity). Anywho, I digress.
I stumble into my kitchen to retrieve my first cup of coffee to counteract the Nyquil : / only to find that my coffeepot, which has been on for 7 minutes, has about one millimeter of brown liquid in the bottom and is only steaming and making God awful noises. To which I shout, "Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as Casey walked through the door. It is never a good thing when a nice steaming cup of coffee on your kitchen counter on Monday morning is replaced by this:
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