Friday, November 5, 2010

Pomegranates ... the Fruit of Life?

Have you ever seen a more beautiful fruit in your life?  The Pomegranate has been a symbol of female-ness and womanhood since Biblical days (and probably even before then).  The beautifully colored fruit, so perfect and whole hides a secret of hundreds of tiny seeds rich and fulfilling to taste. 

I had never had one before.  The grocery store had them on sale this week, and in my quest to discover the reason behind the mystery of being a woman, I figured ... What the heck?  Maybe by partaking in this beautiful likeness, I will find some solace.  Maybe it's the hype, but this is the most delicious and wonderful fruit I've ever tasted.  I find myself taking a spoonful of seeds and closing my eyes while the juice is released from every tiny capsule individually.  The flood is divine.  The earthy crunch that follows (because yes I eat them, seed and all) makes me feel like I am consuming my missing link to the physical world. 

Maybe I'm desperate ... Or maybe I'm crazy... but I'm determined to get back to what the women of old had in their connection to the earth, the moon.  I am hungrily seeking that answer to what my body lacks.  This marvelous fruit makes me feel full, satisfied, and female.  Publicly, I would never reveal by strange fascination with this scarlet beauty, but here (where it's just you and me) I feel safe in confiding my new love.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I still must try a pomegranate to see if my tastebuds have changed enough to where I will enjoy it. :) Also, I must link you to this wonderful painting of a pomegranate that made me think of you. The fruit looked so realistic I thought it was a photograph.
